Thursday, August 12, 2010

One Year Appointment.

July 30th, Jackson went for his One Year appointment. We blew bubbles in the waiting room, and then went to get weighed, shots, height, and blood drawn!!  

He wanted to play with every child in the waiting room, my social butterfly.

Weight: 23 pounds!! He is as healthy as can be!  :-)

Height: 30 inches.
I can't remember exactly, but his head was in the 40s. Just know its large, like in the 95th % :-)

I have this picture of his first doctors appointment with daddy. Only a 17 pound difference.

Listening to his big boy body! Thats his Doctor, Dr. Best she is awesome!!

This didn't last long after his 3 shots! :( Poor little baby.

He was fascinated by his bandaid on his finger!

Dr. Best was very impressed with Jackson. She was so happy to see him walking and talking! She said he will definately be a talker. He did have low iron- but we're working on that. So far baby asthma hasn't shown its mean ole' head again, we're keeping our fingers crossed no more of that! He is also suppose to be saying about 2-4 words, and we're starting to surpass that, go Jackson! His Dr.'s office loves when he gets there, and always knows his name as soon as he walks through the door. He is a ladies man, what can I say? hah.

In about 2 1/2 weeks, I will be back to school, Jackson at JuJu's, and keeping 2 of the most precious kids ever, CoCo and Sebastian. We are very excited- and ready to get back into the swing of things.

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