Wednesday, February 24, 2016

12 Months

Canon! You are 12 months old!! We can't believe it. Here's what you've been up to this month:

You wear size 12-18 month clothes, size 4 shoe, and size 4 diaper! 

You have 5 teeth! You got 3 teeth in about 2 weeks, it was terrible. 

You got your second ear infection, & bronchitis. Breathing treatments and no sleep weren't fun. 

You can BAAAAA like a sheep, moo like a cow, ruff like a dog, stick your tongue out, sign "more", wave bye, play patty cake, oooh/ahh on command (from WWE), and a ton more stuff. You are a fast learner! 

You are walking 100% of the time now! You are just about running. 

You are only waking up once at night between 12-2, but go right back to sleep. You take a 1-2 hr nap at 10am, and 1-2 HR nap around 3:30! You are t the best sleeper, but not the worst either. 

You are completely weaned from breastfeeding, and we are about to transition to a sippy cup all the time. You've done great. 

You love to play with a ball, and be outside! Can't wait for it to get warm. 

We can't believe you're one! Happy birthday sweet boy! 

To: Canon Love: Mom

Canon bug,

  In June of 2014 your daddy and I discovered we were having a baby! I remember seeing the biggest smile on daddy's face, and we couldn't wait to tell your big brother Jackson. We found out you were a boy the day after our family vacation! 

On February 17th I began contracting, I contracted all night and daddy and I decided we would go to the hospital on the morning of the 18th! It was very icy outside so it took us a little while to get to the hospital. After a long day and night, finally on February 19th at 7:36am you made your appearance! All 8 lbs and 21" of you! Your brother was so confused and excited, along with the others that waited for you! In the hospital you were the most laid back, quietest little angel! Daddy often said he wondered if you would stay that way. 

Your little personality continues to grow! You are so smart, and catch on to things very easy! You don't try things until you know you can do it, which is sometimes nice! Except you learned to climb our stairs at 8 months old. You are a little shy, and take a little "warming up". You love to eat anything, and feeding what you don't to your dog. You are sneaky. You wake up every morning with the sweetest smile, but sometimes you boycott sleeping. You love any kind of ball and being outside. You love to "sing" and dance! You will sit in my lap and let me rock you, and I love it! You adore your daddy! Your big brother startles you a lot, but you're learning to be tough! My heart is overwhelmed with how much love we have for you. You have brought us so much laughter this past year, and we can't wait for more! I can't wait to see you competing with Jackson & daddy at whose better and faster! I'm sure daddy and I will soon become a referee for the fights that come along with it! 

We love you more than words can say Canon! Happy first birthday baby! 


Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Midweek Randoms

It's Wednesday and I'm in bed before 10! Canon is snug in his bed, and Joshua & Jackson are at wrestle mania at the FedEx forum! I've showered in peace & now I'm catching up with last weeks tv shows. It's a miracle! 

So a little glimpse of the past few days. Nothing exciting, but hey it's memories! Friday (well this entire weekend, honestly) we had beautiful weather! We took the boys to the park after we picked Jackson up from school. J met a friend at the park, and they played baseball & hide and go seek for 2 hours. 

We went out to eat Friday night with Grammy & Pops! 

Saturday Jackson had a basketball game, and he had already made plans to go home with Yah-yah. Joshua, Canon, and myself spent the afternoon outside! It was beautiful! Joshua & I had a little date night to eat, and a little shopping! It was so nice to get out, and enjoy a kid free dinner.  Sunday was a relaxing day of laundry, and eating supper at Grammt & Pops house! 

I noticed Canon has not been eating like normal, and been pretty fussy. So off to the doctor Monday! He has an ear infection & on an antibiotic now. Teething and ear infections = exhaustion. 

Joshua & I have been working on decorating the house a little more! We got a lot of things on the wall, and we both love it! 

Monday night was my first night of teaching childbirth classes! I think I'm going to really enjoy it! 

Joshua goes back to work after being off for 8 days, tomorrow. And I'm back to work Thursday! 

Nothing exciting! I will do a seperate post of Jackson & Joshua's little date to WWE! Here is a little sneak peek...

Happy Wednesday!

Friday, January 29, 2016

11 months

Canon! You are 11 months old! (On the 19th of course). 

You weigh about 20lbs. Wear size 4 diaper. Size 12 month clothes, and size 3-4 shoe! 

You have 2 teeth! And 1 that is trying to poke through! 

You LOVE to eat! You will eat any and everything :-) however, you just stopped breastfeeding & were NOT a fan of whole milk! After 2 weeks of almond milk, we tried again and now you love whole milk! 
(Everyone comments on how much you eat)

Sleep? You're not the best, but definitely not the worst either. Your brother spoiled us. However, you go to bed between 8-9 & are up for the day between 7:30-8. You will wake up 1 or 2 times for less than 5 minutes during the night. Nap time 1-2 hours 2 times a day. 

You can say dada, Bubba, baba (bottle), bye bye, uhoh, yah-yah. You give the sweetest open mouthed kisses..You will look for Ozzie when we ask where he is, and when daddy says where's momma you look straight to me! But won't say it. Stinker! You also know the sound of a sheep! 

You are walking 75% of the time. You crawl like a gorilla, but are REALLY fast. You can clap, and do patty cake with out hesitation! You also love to dance and play with golf balls and baseballs!

We are so thankful for you! And can't wait to celebrate your first birthday! 

It's been 6 years..

It's been 6 whole years since I updated our blog. Which means our "sweet baby J" is now 6 years old!  A lot has changed, and I'm going to sum things up a bit 😊
Why did I decide after 6 years to blog again, you may ask? Well as our 2nd little one's first birthday is fast approaching, I've began looking back at when Jackson was this age! Joshua and I were talking the other day and he said he thought I should blog again! As much as you think you'll remember all these sweet little things, you forget so fast!

So here we are! Ultimately I want my boys to be able to look back and see how much they mean to us, and what all they put us through! Hah.

Just to outline what's happened in 6 years:

2011: Joshua landed a full time job at the fire department! We both were in school together.  We also welcomed our nephew, Oaklen.

2012: I graduated Nursing school and started a job at the Med in Trauma ICU. Jackson started preschool.

2013: In January my daddy went to be with the Lord. I transferred to high risk labor & delivery.

2014: We found out we were expecting another baby boy! We also sold our house, and built a new one!

2015: We welcomed our 2nd baby boy, Canon. Jackson graduated preschool & started kindergarten!

So there you have it, 6 years in a nutshell. Of course a lot of other things happened like Jackson started playing baseball, basketball, and football! We went on lots of vacations! Etc. etc. Life is changing fast, but I am so enjoying it!

I will start off next time with telling a little about our tiny tornado, Canon ball!