Monday, May 31, 2010

Ten Months Old

Jackson, you are 10 months old today!

Here are a few things about you at 10 months young:

You weigh 22 pounds.

You wear size 4 diapers (I just bought you your first "little swimmers" diapers for the lake this weekend!)

You wear size 12 month clothes, and recently you started wearing lots of 18-24 months.

You are eating table food, stage 3 foods, and still stage 2. You love fruit, sweet potatoes, carrots, greenbeans, cheerios, and animal crackers (just to name a few)! And you're just like you're daddy- you LOVE ranch dressing.

You drink 7-8 ounce bottles for bed. And during the day anywhere between 4 and 6. You can also say "baba". (Bottle)

You take two 2 hour naps a day. One in the late morning and one in the afternoon. I LOVE your sleeping schedule you go to bed @ 8:30 (or a little earlier) and you wake up no earlier than 9! YAY!!

You love to shake your head NO.

You sleep through the night.

You spent the night away for the first time 2 weeks ago. You did great!

You love to talk- you can say "Dad-da, Mam-ma, and baba"

You still do not have ANY teeth.

You crawl everywhere, and love to get into cabinets and Ozzie's dog food. You're a little stinker :-)

You can walk with your walker, and just a couple of weeks ago you started letting go. You WILL be walking soon!

You just learned to dance when you hear music- it is the cutest thing ever!

When Mommy says "ride the pony" (you have a rocking horse) you rock back and forth :-)

You are changing everyday, and we cannot believe you are going to be a year old in two months!

We are beyond proud of you and thank God everyday for blessing us with you! We couldn't be ANY happier!

We love you sweet baby J,
Mommy and Daddy

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