Thursday, July 29, 2010

Happy First Birthday Jackson!

Jackson you are 1 year old today!! I can't believe it- heres what you've been up to this month!

We will find out Friday exactly how much you weigh, somewhere in the twenties.

You wear a size 4 diaper and 18-24 month clothes.

You are now in a size 4 shoe.

You have 5 teeth! :-)

You are such a good eater now that you have teeth! Just this past week, you have really liked cheese and spinach ravioli (doesn't sound tasty to me!), you ate pork tenderloin, carrots, blueberries, peas, corn nuggets, fish, string cheese, everything!! It makes me so happy :)

You are no longer crawling..which means you have mastered another milestone- walking!

Your favorite toy is your Police Coupe Car.

You no longer take a bottle- only sippy cups with whole milk or white grape juice. And of course water!

You love to get in the dog food and your food cabinet.

You can climb completely out of the bath tub, you're a little monkey!
Words: Uh-oh, mama, daddy, you can moo like a cow, bye, Pops, Yah-Yah, and ride (which means you either want on the 4-wheeler or us to push you in your car. Yah-Yah swears you are calling my dad "Joe". Hmm. And i'm sure there are others I just can't remember!

You can wave, shake your head no, point to things, and raise your hands above your head and say YAAAAAY!!

Since it's so hot outside, we have been playing when the sun goes down, which typically puts you in bed around 8:30 or 9. And you wake up around 9 a.m.

You are still a wonderful napper! It makes us so happy you like to sleep.

You help a lot with putting your clothes on- you will reach your arms through for us.

You love to put things in our toilet.

You can throw a ball.

We celebrated your first birthday this past Saturday, it was hot, fun, and you got lots of nice things!! You are very loved :-) You loved your cake!

We are proud of each of these milestones!! This has been the most rewarding year of our lives, and we are more than thankful. I get butterflies just thinking about what I was feeling a year ago today- What an awesome feeling that is.

We love you to the moon and back,

Mommy and Daddy.

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